Monday, 4 October 2010

Sweding Task - Britney Spears Evaluation

During this task, we has to join classed with the other class. it was very hard and complicated. First we had to storyboard different bits of the entire 2minute video clip and then we has to make sure that every storyboard was right. This was hard because we had to draw it clearly and correctly so that it would be absolutely clear for others when the film. It has to look exactly like the actual video. I think this was the hardest task so far.

We all then had to join groups. I had Nasima and Zakiyya. The bit we had to do was the locker bit. I was the one lipsyncing to Britney Spears 'Hit Me Baby, One More Time'. It was very easy to lipsync afterall, everyone knows the lyrics to that awful song, ahahaha.

That was the strengths however there wre also weaknessess:
The pictures of the storyboard were very unclear, we had to sqint  but we got there in the end. we had to do different trasintions, camera views for example, close up, extreme closeups etc.

Overall, it went well. We managed to get everything done so that was great.

Posted by Mariam

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